Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hmmmmmm.. This life eh!!!

Another day dawns....and thus it goes.. my sister has still not been paid her last months wages. Why?... Some 'Man' who thinks he is an all in all has not signed of on her pay-check. Why do these things happen. So now.. she has worked 6 weeks without pay. She lives in a city about 12 hours away - by road. SO she cannot come home for dinner everyday. It is appalling.
Previous to that, she was supposed to go to Uni but her papers did not arrive on time. The said documents arrived one week after the late enrolment date, forcing her to take a year out before pursuing the degree. Why?.. I keep asking why?... perhaps someone has an answer that I cannot see.
Like I said.. this life eh!!!
Have to send her some money to cover living expenses or something....
Just when you think that life is going on well. then a spanner goes into the works.

This life... eh!!!!

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