Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cheese Induced Insomnia

Weird huh!!! you do not know the first thing about how this feels. How did this come about? probably the fermentation process of cheese does not agree with my systems and processes. There is only one other person I have come across who has this - and they live about 12,000 miles from me- and they wrote a blog about this too.

I discovered this in my first year of high school - and therefore steered clear of cheesy things - burgers, sandwiches, pizza, cake and every other thing edible - crisps and chips alike. But today, I played the 'Grubbido'.

What is a Grubbido? This is what you become when you decide to eat what you cannot tolerate, just because you want too, or because you do not want to be left out. Which category do I fall into? Hmmmmmmmmm ..... that is a story for another day.

The pizza was called 'Meaty Feast' by Dominos pizza. And Hmmmmmm so delicious. Oops!!! it was not Dominos, but Debonairs Pizza. Hmmm Tasty for sure.. but then I paid the price , didn't I?

Here I am and I am still wide awake and it is 1 am.. it just doesn't seem like my brain wants to shut doem. The clock struck 1 am... I have been tossing and turning.. and wondering if it was resentment and bitterness worrying me... and then I figured it out that it was Cheese. HELP!!!!... still awake.. this is not a case for REM(random eye movements) - this is more rolling of the eyeballs, been to the loo, then to the fridge and then back to write this.. I figured, if I cannot sleep, then I better write, but then my laptop was conveniently left in the office, so I started off by writing this on paper, and now transferring to the blog.

Berry Blast - that's the name of the juice I picked up - 1 litre... and I am drinking.. and drinking...Hoping it puts me to sleep at some point. What is the time now.... 01:18 hrs.
I hear INSOMNIA can be induced in so many ways, but then 'Why Cheese?'.
I need to keep drinking this 'berry blast' juice...not sure if I am making things worse or better by taking it, but I really cannot be bothered at this time. The weather is 31 degrees Centigrade.. in sub-saharan Africa.... an you imagine how hot it is at that time of the night - STILL and HOT. To make matters worse... electricity was cut off tonight, so no Air conditioner, no fan.. nothing... and NO sleep... What a mix...

Hopefully I can get back to sleep, but first.. I need to finish by 'Berry Blast' Juice.
O!! I forgot to mention that I have a conference to go for in the morning, which starts by 10 am, and I need to be in the office first, to sort out some paper work before leaving for the conference. So that is an early start for me - Wake up call at 06:00 hrs, leave home by 07:00 hrs and get in to the office for 08:00hrs - leaving me with roughly 2 hours before the conference.....

I feel sleep coming.... so may be the 'berry blast' worked, or it could just be the cold drink on a hot night that shut my system down. Who knows

Well, I finally got back to sleep... what time.. I recollect not.. but I am awake now in the office and I can feel the headache from lack of sleep banging on my forehead... and you know what... I ain't going for the conference... I don't think I can handle it anymore.... not today...
Need to eat and sleep and be merry...

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